Literacy Must-dos

Poetry must-dos 📖

  • Glue poem into your book, read the poem, illustrate the poem.
  • Recite the poem to a buddy - check volume, expression, pace.
  • Read your poem and waiata pukapuka.
  • See if you can memorise a poem and when you are ready, you can perform it for friends or maybe video yourself or even recite it in assembly.
  • Think about your senses...smell, sight, sound, touch and taste.  Choose 1 sense…..brainstorm at least 20 words that describe that sense. Use your poetry and waiata pukapuka (we will have a little practice in class and I know Berna and Turou will lend a hand. )
  • Can you count syllables in words?  Then you can write haiku.  Haiku is a three-line poetry form which follows a pattern of five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Create a haiku from your brainstorm.  Share it with a buddy or get it ready for publishing.

Handwriting must-dos ✎

  • In your Handwriting pukapuka you will need to complete the daily handwriting challenge…...Copy directly off the whiteboard and when complete, highlight the letters or words that you think show development or improvement.
  • Remember to underline the date and rule off your mahi.
  • Make sure you show a kaiako.
  • We are practicing and learning how to write neatly with the correct letter formations.
  • We can be thinking about the correct size of small and tall letters, and we will show this in all of our daily writing. 
  • We will learn to add flicks and join onto the appropriate letters when we are ready to do so.
  • We will set out our work in the correct way.

Spelling must-dos ABC

  • Each week you will need to learn 5 of your ESSENTIAL LIST SPELLING words.
  • You will need to write them in you MAHI KAINGA pukapuka and learn them every night. 
  • Miss Arthur and Zita will give you your words.
  • When you are learning a word you need to look carefully at the way the word looks.
  1. Has it got a special shape?
  2. Is there a pattern of letters or groups of letters?
  3. Can you think of other words that are similar?
      • LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE is an amazing way to learn how to spell.
      • Practice your spelling words by look, say, cover, write and when you have recorded each word 10 times get a buddy to test you.
      • You will have a weekly spelling sheet to complete.
      • Remember to date and underline your mahi. 

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