Friday, 31 July 2015

Te wiki o te reo Maori

We made book marks out of flax. We sang Utaina and E Nga Iwi each day and learned the actions in one day. We learnt some Maori songs. We learnt some te reo Maori words and scored 8/8 (100%) on the re quiz. Our kai took two days to cook! We watched the Kapiti College speech about speaking Maori properly. We learned that te reo Maori means the Maori language.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Every New Zealander should know these 100 Maori words. Our wero (challenge) from Ms O'Hare is to see how many of these words we already know.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Maori words should be pronounced correctly

Te wiki o te reo Maori is next week. This Kapiti College student is making the argument for all New Zealanders to learn correct pronunciation of Maori.